
Monday, February 4, 2013

Coffee Table Books

Don't you love big, glossy coffee table books? This Steve McQueen book was a big hit at our last party. Both the girls and the guys were swooning over Steve McQueen. I mean how can you not?

On my birthday, we picked up Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with artwork by Yayoi Kusama on sale at Anthropologie.  Kusama's trippy dot illustrations pair perfectly with Lewis Carroll's (equally trippy) classic story. The dots and the typology are mesmerizing.

Finally, I have the biggest book on Dali, that used to be my grandmother's. It must way close to 10 pounds.

What's on your coffee table these days?


  1. What a great collection of coffee table books! We just got an actual coffee table, so books to style it with are the next step. Love your picks!

  2. Most books we choose because we are interested in a story or idea that we associate with them and we want to read about it. However, coffee table books are less about reading, and more about decoration, impact and creating a statement about yourself, your interests and your home

  3. This is really great Coffee table book collection. I’ll have to check out "Steve McQueen book". I have a habit of throwing away and wish I kept more!! Thanks for sharing this great post.
